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This is a workspace for to share documents and thoughts and to progress Te Reo Māori translation of the following Dublin Core items:
- A name/title for Te Reo Māori translation
- Dublin Core Metadata terms
- Search and browse terms in the DC Registry interface
At the first meeting of 7 July 2010 Cellia Joe, Te Tumatakuru O'Connell and Karen Rollitt identified the following activities to progress Te Reo Māori translation:
1. Administrative activities, e.g. financing, project management and coordination
2. Identifying source text
3. Cost estimates for the Requirements
4. Preparation work - Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori liaison
5. Review and update the original Te_Taura_Whiri_authorised_version_of_Dublin.pdf
6. Translate rest of dc terms
7. Draft a name for Te Reo Maori translation of dc terms
8. Translate some search and browse terms in the DC Registry interface
9. Peer review and focus group session with peer groups, including Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, Te Rōpū Whakahau re; Ngā Ūpoko Tukutuku / Māori Subject Headings, Te Haumihiata, Te Taka Keegan, Manager Maori Subject Heading initiative, Piripi Walker and others.
10. Te Taura Whiri te Reo Māori authorisation of te Reo Māori translation
11. Implementation
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